
Elections Information

Elections Information

Want to be a part of student politics at OUSA? Here's everything you need to know!


Are you passionate about students? Do you think you could help make a difference through student politics for the betterment of Otago University Students? YOU should run for the exec!!!


The Exec Election for 2025 is being held in the second half of sem 2!
Nominations are open from Monday 9th to Thursday 12th September
Voting is open from Monday 30th September until Thursday 3rd October
Campaigning is inbetween, so get your face out there, or keep updated on all the candidates if you're not involved!


Keen to run? FABULOUS NEWS!! You will need someone to nominate you and someone to second it. When nominations are open (dates above) bring those people down to the OUSA Main Reception and you can fill out the form that will be there to get started! 


It's important to note that the roles vary from 10 hours a week to 40 hours a week and you should consider how that fits with your schedule, because it can be a lot of work. Another thing to note is that Critic reports on exec members, so if you have concerns about being public facing, have a chat with current exec members on how it works.


Email Emily at adminvp@ousa.org.nz if you have any questions or need any help!


Essential documents

Nominations Form

Third Party Nominations Form

This is what you fill in at OUSA Main Reception to get nominate. Bring yourself, your nominator, and your seconder  if you are interested in running for one of the roles. Make sure you all bring your student IDs!


Candidate information sheet

This document broadly overviews the sequence of events that will follow the elections process and it should be read before you are signed up for the role. Keep referring back for important details and dates!


Do's and Don'ts of OUSA Executive Elections

This is SO important while you are campaigning, if you don't follow the rules properly you are at risk of being removed from the running. Noteably, no campaigning materials can use OUSA green, so no brat related campaigns can be done if they have brat green.


Duties of Executive Officers

This is an OUSA policy that outlines the duties that all exec officers have to carry out. It's useful to read to get a complete and realistic overview of the roles you could be interested in, and if you want to see what each role entails to see what could be the best fit for you.


Elections Policy

This is the Policy that OUSA must follow and adhere to throughout the elections process. Refer to it if you need specific information about how things are run, such as appealing against the secretary or advertising information. Emily (Admin-VP) does a lot with policies in her role, so if you have any questions surrounding it then flick her an email (adminvp@ousa.org.nz).


Financial Return Form

This is to be filled out no more than 3 days after the closing of voting, and you absolutely MUST fill it in otherwise you are breaching policy. It includes all the money you utilised to campaign, which must not exceed more than $200, and how that money was used.


Guidelines for Staff

This is more for your reference if necessary, but it outline OUSA staff etiquette and why they cannot endorse specific candidates. Current exec are also not allowed to support any candidates.