
Your Executive 2024

Your Executive 2024

Meet your Student Representatives for 2024:

OUSA President

Keegan Wells - president@ousa.org.nz

The OUSA President is the official spokesperson of OUSA. Their role is to lead campaigns and maintain strong relationships with University of Otago and key stakeholders in the community to advance the interests of Otago students.

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Te Rōpū Māori Tumuaki

Gemella Reynolds-Hatem - teroopu.maori@otago.ac.nz

The Tumuaki of Te Rōpū Māori acts as the voice for all Māori students on campus and maintains a strong relationship with OUSA.

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President of University of Otago Pacific Islands Students' Association

Telekalafi Likiliki - uopisa.president@gmail.com

The President of the University of Otago Pacific Islands Students' Association acts as the voice for Pacific Islands' students on campus and maintains a strong relationship with OUSA.

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Administrative Vice President

Emily Williams - adminvp@ousa.org.nz

The Administrative Vice President’s role is to support the work of the OUSA President, ensure that the Executive is working to meet the Association’s strategic goals and facilitating policy development.

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Finance and Strategy Officer

Daniel Leamy - finance@ousa.org.nz

The Finance Officer oversees the Association’s financial holdings, and develops a business strategy alongside the OUSA General Manager to ensure sound investment of student funds in accordance to OUSA’s Strategic Plan.

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Academic Representative

Stella Lynch - academic@ousa.org.nz

The Education Officer is tasked with representing and advancing educational matters relevant to the Association and its members.

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Welfare and Equity Representative

Tara Shepherd - welfare@ousa.org.nz

The Welfare Officer works with organisations across the University and local community, including the OUSA Student Support Centre, to make sure student welfare issues are represented at an Executive level.

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Postgraduate Students' Representative

Hanna Friedlander - postgrad@ousa.org.nz

The Postgraduate Officer maintains strong relationships with the Otago Postgraduate Association to represent and advance the issues facing postgraduate students.

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Clubs & Societies Representative

Emma Jackson - clubsrep@ousa.org.nz

The Clubs & Societies Representative promotes via publications, promotions and campaigns the existence of, and encourage participation in Clubs and Societies.

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International Students' Representative

Ibuki Nishida - international@ousa.org.nz

The International Officer works with the International Committee and International Office at the University of Otago to represent and advance the issues facing international students.

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Political Representative

Liam White - political@ousa.org.nz

The Political Representative works with all Executive members and students to develop submissions to local and national bodies. They submit on behalf of OUSA on student related reports, legislation, annual plans, projects, proposals and reviews. They also lobby and raise issues to be improved on within the University and community.

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Residential Representative

TBC - residential@ousa.org.nz

The role of the Residential Representative is to make sure that the residential experience is the best it can be for Otago students and making sure the issues of students in colleges and flats are represented on the OUSA Executive.

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