Otago University Handball Club
Our goal is to introduce Handball to new players and also provide experienced players with an opportunity to train and improve their skills. We are social but also competitive. This is shown in our social league that runs every year and in our competitive teams that go to tournaments all around New Zealand supported with world-class coaching. We run training of two sports; beach and indoor handball. Everyone and anyone is welcome to come along to our weekly sessions and give Handball a go. We regularly practice indoor handball at Logan Park High School Gymnasium on a Sunday evening from 6 pm-7.30 pm and at Smithells Gymnasium on a Thursday evening from 6 pm-7.30 pm. We practice beach handball at St Kilda Beach. The time and day depends on the tides. Join our Facebook page "Otago University Handball Club" and contact us on otagounihandball@gmail.com.
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View constitution »Email: otagounihandball@gmail.com
Website: http://www.handball.org.nz/dunedin