Ori 2021 - Toga Party (Wed)
Toga Party is back for 2 nights in 2021 and better than ever! The classic of everyone's orientation, this will be a night to remember!
Get a hold of some white sheets, safety pins and get those togas wrapped and ready to go! Get yourself prepped for your first night out in Otago - let's make it a banger! Toga is an age old tradition so don't be THAT one that misses out and never lives it down..
are here and rearing to set the tone along with a banging lineup:
& Brook Gibson
23 and 24th February 2021
Tickets on sale 12pm Friday 15 Jan
Union Hall gigs are R17
Toga Party is ONLY available to first years. Only people in Uni/Polytech Halls/Locals will have access to purchase tickets. Ticket links will be sent to you directly by your respective hall on Wednesday 13 Jan. Once tickets become available on Friday 15 Jan, you will be able to add on a Super Pass at the checkout.