
The Capping Show 2021

The Capping Show 2021

We're back once again for 2021!

Launching into its 127th year, The Capping Show is a comedic, exciting and parody based theatre show which highlights student issues, culture and current trends at the University of Otago, created for students, by students.

The Capping Show is the longest running student revue in the world, and consists of many traditions, as well as the opportunity to create trends with student culture through its humor, bringing the student body together, and is also the one event that draws alumni back to see!

Tickets and theme reveal coming soon.


Thursday 13th May
Friday 14th May
Saturday 15th May
Sunday 16th May

Tuesday 18th May
Wednesday 19th May
Thursday 20th May
Friday 21st May

Thursday 13th May 2021 7:30pm - 10:00pm
$20 University of Otago College of Education Auditorium 143 Union St E, Dunedin Central, Dunedin 9016, New Zealand