Otago Campus Greens
Otago Campus Greens is a youth-driven extension of the NZ Green Party. We collaborate with the local Ōtepoti Green Branch and the party to share the green message while engaging in fun green activities.
The green movement is driven by people who know that protecting our planet and supporting our communities go hand in hand.
We believe that Government must do more, faster, to protect our planet and make sure everyone is treated equally and has access to what they need to live a good life. We do this so that our kids and grandkids will inherit a fairer, more beautiful world.
We want to build on the connections and partnership between Māori and non-Māori to build strong rules which protect our planet and build fairer communities. We want to honour the thousands of years of traditional and local knowledge that have the answers to ensuring a safe climate and healthy communities.
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View constitution »Email: otagocampus@greens.org.nz
Website: http://www.greens.org.nz